Complementary angle of 84 degrees

Complementary Angle

What is the complementary angle of 84 degrees? Here we will define the complementary angle of 84 degrees, show you how to calculate the complementary angle of 84 degrees, and even illustrate the complementary angle of 84 degrees (84°) so you have a solid understanding of what it means.

The complementary angle of 84 degrees, also known as the complement angle of 84 degrees, is the angle that when added to 84 results in a sum of 90. Therefore, to calculate the complement angle of 84 degrees, we subtract 84 from 90. Here is the formula, the math, and the answer:

90 - angle = complement angle
90 - 84 = 6
6 degrees

84 degrees plus the complementary angle of 6 degrees equals 90 degrees, which means that together they will make an L-shaped 90-degree angle.

The illustration below shows 84 degrees colored in red and the complementary angle of 84 degrees, which is 6 degrees, colored in green.

Complement angle of 84 degrees

As you can see from the illustration above, 84 degrees and 6 degrees form an L-shaped angle together. This proves that the two angles, 84 degrees and 6 degrees, are complementary angles.

Complementary Angle Calculator
Let us calculate another complementary angle for you!

Complementary angle of 84.1 degrees
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