Here we will show you how to convert 0.002 to a simplified fraction. In other words, we will convert the decimal number 0.002 to a fraction with a numerator and denominator in the simplest form possible.
You can divide any number by 1 without changing its value. Therefore, we start by making 0.002 the numerator and 1 the denominator, like this:
Next, we need to remove the decimal point in the numerator. We can do that by multiplying the numerator and denominator by 1000:
When we calculate the new numerator and denominator above, we get a fraction without a decimal point.
The greatest common divisor of the numerator and denominator in the fraction above is 2. Therefore, we divide the numerator and the denominator by 2, like this:
Then, when we calculate the numerator and denominator above, we get 0.002 as a simplified fraction:
Note that the numerator is less than the denominator in 0.002 as a simplified fraction above. Therefore, the fraction is a proper fraction.
You can confirm that the 0.002 as a simplified fraction answer above is correct by dividing the numerator by the denominator. 1 divided by 500 is in fact 0.002.
Decimal as a Simplified Fraction
Enter another decimal number that we can convert to a simplified fraction for you.
0.003 as a simplified fraction
Here is another decimal number that we have converted to a simplified fraction.