Welcome to the km/h to m/s converter, also known as the kilometers/hour to meters/second converter, and kilometer per hour to meter per second converter.
There are 1000 meters (m) per kilometer and 3600 seconds (s) per hour. That means that one km/h is the same as 1000/3600 m/s. Furthermore, 1000/3600 can be simplified to 10/36. Therefore, to convert km/h to m/s, you multiply k/m by 10/36. Here is the km/h to m/s formula:
km/h × 10/36 = m/s
We used the formula above to create the km/h to m/s converter on this page. Please enter the kilometer per hour (km/h) that you want converted to meter per second (m/s) in the box below.
Here are some examples of what our km/h to m/s converter can convert for you: