33 mil to km

mil to km

Here we will show you how to convert 33 mil to km, or more specifically, how to convert 33 scandinavian mil to kilometers.

Mil is predominantly used in Norway and Sweden, and it is not the same length as a mile used in the United States and the United Kingdom. It is important to know the difference between a mil and a mile when you go to Scandinavia, because a mil is a lot longer than a mile. In fact, it is more than six times longer.

The plural form of mile is miles, but the plural form of mil is mil. There are 10 kilometers per mil, therefore you multiply mil by 10 to convert mil to kilometers. Here is the formula, math, and answer.

mil × 10 = km
33 × 10 = 330
33 mil = 330 km

In comparison, there are only 1.6 km per UK mile or US mile, so 33 miles would be 33 × 1.6 which is 52.8 km. As you can see, 330 km is a lot more than 52.8 km, which is why it is important not to confuse mil and miles when in Scandinavia!

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